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Embalagem Da Terra Kumbaya

Da Terra Kumbayá são cigarros artesanais sem nicotina e aditivos químicos que ajudam quem quer parar de fumar cigarros industriais. O Redesign das embalagens foi feito pensado para a reutilização e reciclagem dos materiais considerando a jornada do consumidor. Além de reforçar visualmente os valores artesanais da marca.

In this project, the packaging and the brand "Da Terra" were rebranded. They're adapted to look more consistent with the product and the purpose of the brand, wich is to help smokers to abandone nicotine. Every thing was developted thinking about usability, sustainability and variation. I was responsable for the layout of the packaging and offline midias and the illustrations of the rebrand. The illustrations were made with a technique called "xilogravura", very common in northeast of Brazil.

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